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We work together with national and international partners and members to connect and collaborate. In the Netherlands, our members do not only come from the Dutch Association for Mental Health and Addiction Care, but also from different sectors that contribute to delivering high quality mental health services.

To illustrate, our members might be mental health care providers, directors, policy makers, but also people with lived experience, their family and loved ones, teachers, and HR managers. We believe that an integrated and multi-sectoral approach in mental health care is only possible when we work together with people from all sectors.

National and international partners

Besides our members, we work with international and national partners. These partners come from all sorts of sectors, such as national care providers, insurers, NGO’s and government organisations. Our international partners are networks, NGO’s, companies and government-bodies, with whom we build relationships and/or engage through a membership status. Through this, we try to stay up to date about most recent publications and policy practices in the mental health landscape.

Partnerships DMHH

Among others, our partners are: 

- the Global Leadership Exchange

- Mental Health Europe, EUCOMS, EuroHealthNet

- The World Health Organisation

- the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development

- United for Global Mental Health

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